INFO: Description of Files Supplied with Word 6.0 for Windows PSS ID Number: Q114235 Article last modified on 05-05-1994 PSS database name: WM_WORD 6.00 6.00a WINDOWS ------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Word for Windows, versions 6.0, 6.0a - Microsoft Windows operating system version 3.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article lists all the files supplied with Word for Windows, organized into functional categories. It includes a description of each file and lists the directory in which Setup installs the file. In the Filename column, there is an asterisk (*) next to any file that Setup does not uninstall. For more information about the files supplied with Word, double-click the Help button on the Standard toolbar, type "readme" (without the quotation marks), choose the Show Topics button, select README Help, choose the Go To button, and select the Custom And Network Installations topic. MORE INFORMATION ================ Key --- * Setup does not uninstall this file. FILENAME DIRECTORY DESCRIPTION ======== ========= =========== Program Files ------------- WINWORD.EXE WINWORD Word 6.0 for Windows program file WINWORD6.REG WINWORD Word 6.0 registration file WWINTL.DLL WINWORD Language .DLL: Contains the interface- related information for WINWORD.EXE MAPIVIM.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM Translates MAPI mail calls from Word 6.0 to VIM mail system (such as Lotus CC:Mail) SDM.DLL* WINDOWS\SYSTEM Standard Dialog TTEMBED.DLL* WINDOWS\SYSTEM TrueType embedding information TTEMBED.INI WINDOWS Typeface exclusion list COMPOBJ.DLL* WINDOWS\SYSTEM Allocates memory for OLE OLE2.DLL* WINDOWS\SYSTEM Version 2.01 OLE2.REG WINDOWS\SYSTEM OLE2 registration file OLE2CONV.DLL* WINDOWS\SYSTEM Converts Mac PICT to WMF OLE2DISP.DLL* WINDOWS\SYSTEM For IDispatch support--provides support for OLE automation; required to run Word 6.0 OLE2NLS.DLL* WINDOWS\SYSTEM Provides national language support routine that allows apps to interpret and compare strings, dates, and so forth, in any language OLE2PROX.DLL* WINDOWS\SYSTEM Proxy manager--used when server is not hooked into object STORAGE.DLL* WINDOWS\SYSTEM Doc-file support library DIALOG.FON WINWORD Font for dialog box improvements MSFNTMAP.INI* WINDOWS Lists TrueType fonts and equivalent Windows, Mac, and Adobe fonts Setup Files ----------- ACMSETUP.EXE WINWORD\SETUP Word Setup ACMSETUP.HLP WINWORD\SETUP Word Setup Help _MSSETUP.EXE WINWORD\SETUP Word Setup ADMIN.INF WINWORD\SETUP Equivalent of WINWORD6.INF for network installation CTL3DV2.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM Shared .DLL files--add 3D effects to CTL3D.DLL GRAM.DLL, Setup, Equation Editor, WordArt, Microsoft System Information, Button Editor, ODBC, and WORDHELP.DLL DECOMP.EXE WINWORD\SETUP Manual file decompression utility MSCPYDIS.DLL WINWORD\SETUP MSSETUP.DLL WINWORD\SETUP SETUP.STF WINWORD\SETUP Logic of setup plus most text strings WORD_BB.DLL WINWORD\SETUP Contains billboards, graphics, and custom actions (same as SAMPAPP.DLL) WINWORD6.INF WINWORD\SETUP Setup information file (disk layout) WWSETUP.TTF WINWORD\SETUP TrueType font Help and Tutorial Files ---------------------- WDREADME.HLP WINWORD Contains information published in Word 2.x README.DOC, PRINTERS.DOC, CONVINFO.DOC, MACROCNV.DOC, and GRAPHICS.DOC WINWORD.HLP WINWORD Online Help: Word usage procedures WRDBASIC.HLP WINWORD Online Help: WordBasic Macros and Fields SHARERES.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM Shared code for Online Help and CBT WORDCBT.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM Allows Help to find the CBT, regardless of where the CBT located WORDHELP.DLL WINWORD Version 1.12.002--must be loaded whenever Word runs; used by online Help and WINWORD.EXE WORDPSS.HLP WINWORD Online Help: Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) WORDRES.DLL WINWORD Shared resources (toolbar buttons) for Online Help and CBT WPHELP.HLP WINWORD WordPerfect Help CBTLIB4.DLL WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT concurrency DLL CBTNORM.DOT WINWORD\WORDCBT Normal (global) template file with CBT defaults FX.DLL WINWORD\WORDCBT Special effects resource MOUSEMV.DEX WINWORD\WORDCBT Used by CBT to make the mouse cursor move as if someone were moving the mouse PAUSE.DEX WINWORD\WORDCBT SAMPLE1.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document SAMPLE2.DOT WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document SAMPLE3.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document SAMPLE4.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document SAMPLE5.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document SAMPLE6.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document SAMPLE7.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document SAMPLE8.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document SAMPLE8A.DOT WINWORD\WORDCBT Template used by CBT SAMPLE9.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document SAMPLE10.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document SAMPLE11.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document SAMPLE12.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document TUTFX.DEX WINWORD\WORDCBT Allows CBT runtime to use special effects; version 1.01 WDCBT.DEX WINWORD\WORDCBT For CBT to find WINWORD.EXE WINNERS.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT Used by the MailMerge Ex. & Demos WORDCBT.CBT WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT runtime; replaces WINWORD.CBT WNFISH3.WMF WINWORD\WORDCBT Picture of fish WNFISH4.WMF WINWORD\WORDCBT Picture of fish WORDCBT.LES WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT data file PREVIEW.LES WINWORD\WORDCBT Change from 3 to 1 file: saves disk space + will improve compression ratio NEW_LILS.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document NEWDEMO.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document NEWS1.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document NEWS2.DOC WINWORD\WORDCBT CBT sample document Proofing Tools -------------- MSSPEL2.DLL WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Spelling checker file PROOF MSSP2_EN.LEX WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Spelling checker file PROOF HYPH.DLL WINWORD Hyphenation file HY_EN.LEX WINWORD Hyphenation file MSTHES.DLL WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Thesaurus file PROOF MSTH_AM.LEX WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Thesaurus file PROOF GRAM.DLL WINWORD Grammar checker file GR_AM.LEX WINWORD Grammar checker file Shared Microsoft Applications ----------------------------- MACRODE.EXE WINWORD WordBasic Macro Dialog Editor GRAPH.EXE WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Microsoft Graph 3.0 MSGRAPH MSGRAPH.HLP WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Microsoft Graph Help MSGRAPH MSGRAPH3.REG WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Microsoft Graph 3.0 Registration File MSGRAPH WORDART2.EXE WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Microsoft WordArt 2.0 WORDART WORDART2.HLP WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Microsoft WordArt 2.0 Help WORDART WORDART2.REG WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Microsoft WordArt 2.0 Registration WORDART File PUBOLE.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM Used by Word Art EQNEDIT.EXE WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Microsoft Equation Editor 2.0 EQUATION EQNEDIT.HLP WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Microsoft Equation Editor 2.0 Help EQUATION EQNEDIT2.REG WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Microsoft Equation Editor 2.0 EQUATION Registration File MTEXTRA.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Equation Editor TrueType font COMMTB.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM Toolbar button or icon utility MSTOOLBR.DLL WINDOWS\SYSTEM Routines for Microsoft Toolbar TrueType Fonts for WordArt -------------------------- ALGER.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Algerian ARLRDBD.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Arial Rounded MT Bold BOOKOSB.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Bookman Old Style BRAGGA.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Braggadocio BRITANIC.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Britannic Bold BRUSHSCI.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Brush Script MT COLONNA.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Colonna MT DESDEMON.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Desdemona FTLTLT.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Footlight MT Light GOTHIC.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Gothic IMPACT.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Impact KINO.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Kino MT LATINWD.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Latin Wide MATURASC.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Matura MT Script Capitals PLAYBILL.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM Playbill Clip Art, Wizards, Templates ---------------------------- .WMF WINWORD\CLIPART Clip art picture files (.WMF format) (you can relocate this directory) BROCHUR1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE These templates contain stylesheets for the Auto Formatting and Style Gallery commands. The number corresponds to design families: 1 = Classic (TmsRmn), 2 = Contemporary (Arial Narrow), 3 = Typewriter (Courier), 4 = Elegant (Special third look for RESUME.DOT; replaces Typewriter). DIRECTR1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE FAXCOVR1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE FAXCOVR2.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE LETTER1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE LETTER2.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE LETTER3.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE MANUAL1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE MANUSCR1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE MANUSCR3.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE MEMO1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE MEMO2.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE MEMO3.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE PRESENT1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE PRESREL1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE PRESREL2.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE PRESREL3.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE REPORT1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE REPORT2.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE REPORT3.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE RESUME1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE RESUME2.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE RESUME4.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE THESIS1.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE MACRO60.DOT WINWORD\MACROS Sample macros CONVERT.DOT WINWORD\MACROS 1 batch converter, EditConversionOptions macro (opens MSTXTCNV.INI) LAYOUT.DOT WINWORD\MACROS Sample layout macros TABLES.DOT WINWORD\MACROS Sample table macros AGENDA.WIZ WINWORD\TEMPLATE Agenda wizard AWARD.WIZ WINWORD\TEMPLATE Award wizard CALENDAR.WIZ WINWORD\TEMPLATE Calendar wizard FAX.WIZ WINWORD\TEMPLATE Fax wizard LETTER.WIZ WINWORD\TEMPLATE Letter wizard MEMO.WIZ WINWORD\TEMPLATE Memo wizard MSINFO.EXE WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Microsoft System Information MSINFO NEWSLTTR.WIZ WINWORD\TEMPLATE Newsletter wizard PLEADING.WIZ WINWORD\TEMPLATE Legal pleading wizard RESUME.WIZ WINWORD\TEMPLATE Resume wizard TABLE.WIZ WINWORD\TEMPLATE Table wizard CLASSIC1.WZS WINWORD\TEMPLATE Stylesheets for wizards. 1 = Classic (TmsRmn), 2 = Contemporary (Arial Narrow), 3 = Typewriter (Courier), 4 = Elegant (special style for RESUME.WIZ). CLASSIC2.WZS WINWORD\TEMPLATE CLASSIC3.WZS WINWORD\TEMPLATE CLASSIC4.WZS WINWORD\TEMPLATE MODERN1.WZS WINWORD\TEMPLATE MODERN2.WZS WINWORD\TEMPLATE MODERN3.WZS WINWORD\TEMPLATE MODERN4.WZS WINWORD\TEMPLATE INVOICE.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE Invoice form PURCHORD.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE Purchase order form WEEKTIME.DOT WINWORD\TEMPLATE Weekly time sheet form Sample Letters -------------- ADPR01.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Press release for new product CRED01.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Collection letter (30 days past due) CRED05.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Returned check (polite request for payment) CRED11.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Credit report: Request CSTMRC01.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Complaint under investigation CSTMRC03.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Apology: Delayed delivery CSTMRR03.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Announcement: Price increase CSTMRR05.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Thank you: For suggestion EMPRL02.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Resume cover letter EMPRL03.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Thank you: For applying MKTG02.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Thank you: For inquiry (information enclosed) MKTG07.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Direct mail offer: Product upgrade OTHER10.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Letter to Mom SPACE03.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Landlord: Lease expiring; price increase SUPPL14.DOT WINWORD\LETTERS Return for credit Converters ---------- MSWORD6.CNV WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Word for Windows 6.0 TEXTCONV RFTDCA.CNV WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ RFT-DCA TEXTCONV RTF_DCA.TXT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Font-mapping instruction file for TEXTCONV exporting in RFT-DCA format TXTWLYT.CNV WINWORD DOS Text with Layout WORDDOS.CNV WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Word for MS-DOS TEXTCONV RTF_PCW.TXT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Font-mapping instruction file for TEXTCONV exporting in Word for MS-DOS format WORDMAC.CNV WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Word for Macintosh 4.0, 5.0 TEXTCONV RTF_WWP.TXT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Font-mapping instruction file for TEXTCONV exporting in Works for MS-DOS format RTF_MW5.TXT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Font-mapping instruction file for TEXTCONV exporting in Word for the Macintosh format WORDWIN2.CNV WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Word for Windows 2.0 TEXTCONV WPFT5.CNV WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ WordPerfect 5.0, 5.1 for MS-DOS TEXTCONV WPFT5.EQU WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ WordPerfect Equation converter TEXTCONV RTF_WP5.TXT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Font-mapping instruction file for TEXTCONV exporting in WordPerfect 5.0 and 5.1 format WRITWIN.CNV WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Windows Write TEXTCONV XLBIFF.CNV WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Microsoft Excel Worksheet TEXTCONV LINEDRAW.TTF WINDOWS\SYSTEM LineDraw TrueType font MSTXTCNV.INI WINDOWS Conversion options settings file--used by converters Graphics Filters --------------- CGMIMP.FLT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Computer Graphics Metafile GRPHFLT DRWIMP.FLT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ DrawPerfect GRPHFLT EPSIMP.FLT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Encapsulated PostScript GRPHFLT GIFIMP.FLT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ CompuServe GIF GRPHFLT IFFGIF.DLL WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Amiga ILBM (raster graphics) GRPHFLT IFFPCX.DLL WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Amiga ILBM (raster graphics) GRPHFLT IFFTIFF.DLL WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Amiga ILBM (raster graphics) GRPHFLT PCXIMP.FLT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ PC Paintbrush GRPHFLT TIFFIMP.FLT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Tagged Image File Format GRPHFLT PICTIMP.FLT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Macintosh PICT GRPHFLT WPGEXP.FLT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ DrawPerfect (WordPerfect) Graphics GRPHFLT Export WPGIMP.FLT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ DrawPerfect (WordPerfect) Graphics GRPHFLT Import Sample Files for Filters ------------------------ MS.CGM WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Sample CGM picture file GRPHFLT MS.DRW WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Sample DRW picture file GRPHFLT MS.EPS WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Sample EPS picture file GRPHFLT MS.GIF WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Sample GIF picture file GRPHFLT MS.PCT WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Sample PCT picture file GRPHFLT MS.PCX WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Sample PCX picture file GRPHFLT MS.TIF WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Sample TIF picture file GRPHFLT MS.WPG WINDOWS\MSAPPS\ Sample WPG picture file GRPHFLT Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Components -------------------------------------------- ODBC.DLL \WINDOWS\SYSTEM ODBCADM.EXE \WINDOWS\SYSTEM ODBC Administrator ODBCINST.DLL \WINDOWS\SYSTEM ODBCINST.HLP \WINDOWS\SYSTEM SIMBA.DLL \WINDOWS\SYSTEM SIMADMIN.DLL \WINDOWS\SYSTEM MSJETDSP.DLL \WINDOWS\SYSTEM Shared for dBASE, Paradox, and Microsoft Access XBS110.DLL \WINDOWS\SYSTEM dBASE IISAM (includes Fox) DRVDBASE.HLP \WINDOWS\SYSTEM DRVFOX.HLP \WINDOWS\SYSTEM PDX110.DLL \WINDOWS\SYSTEM DRVPARDX.HLP \WINDOWS\SYSTEM RED110.DLL \WINDOWS\SYSTEM DRVACCSS.HLP \WINDOWS\SYSTEM Printer Drivers -------------- PSCRIPT.DRV \WINDOWS\SYSTEM Driver version 3.1, supplied with Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (installed by Word Setup) UNIDRV.DLL \WINDOWS\SYSTEM Driver version 3.1, supplied with Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (not installed by Word Setup) Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a w4wsetup kblist 3.10 ============================================================================= Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1994. MS TechNet CD